Introducing Ardens Manager v.2

Introducing Ardens Manager v.2

Introducing Ardens Manager v.2

We are excited to introduce our newly enhanced data analytics platform, Ardens Manager v.2, which will now feature patient-level data plus further breakdowns.

Ardens Manager offers a range of dashboards powered by daily data uploads, covering primary care services plus national and local contracts, to monitor, plan and prioritise your activity efficiently.

These features mean you can gain more actionable insights into your primary care activity by drilling down into more detail, identifying and stratifying patients, and actioning work all in one place. 

Find out more about the full range of Ardens Manager features.




Information security

Information security

Information security

Safeguarding patient data and ensuring information security is our top priority. 

Ardens Manager has been assured and approved through various recognised accreditation schemes, including the NHS England IM1 integration, Cyber Essentials Plus and ISO 27001. You can view all of our accreditations on our website.

Patient-level data will only be available to view by users with the correct information governance set-up and patient-level access on their NHS smartcard.